Friday, May 28, 2010


So I haven't posted in awhile, so I thought I'd post some pictures and descriptions about the food in China. I wish I had taken more pictures, but I felt weird taking pictures of food at fancy restaurants with people around. Hopefully you'll get the idea. Ordering food in China is vastly different than in the US. In China you order a ton of different dishes that everyone eats. It's usually placed in the center on a revolving disk so everyone can get to it. To start you eat cold dishes as sort of appetizers and then you eat the warm dishes which are kind of like the main course. If you want rice, that comes at the end and dessert is usually some small pastry type items and fruit. The food is extremely diverse and also very fresh. Also the same thing can be cooked so many different ways with different flavors. It'd be awesome if they had anything close to the food here in China in the US.

Fancy Dinnerware:
Fancy Dinner Room: (You can see all the food in the middle, and we had our own room and servers)
Chicken Soup! (See previous for freshness)
Fresh Seafood: (You picked what you wanted, and then they would make it for you)
Lots of Choices:

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